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F Distribution
The F Distribution is a ratio between two variances therefore it is not symmetrical. It can never be negative. It is used in ANOVA and Regression.
F Test
A test that uses the F Distribution to assess significant differences in Variation between two normal samples.
F-test for the hypothesis that several p
This statistical procedure addresses the following situation: Given data from several populations, can we conclude that it is reasonable the population means from all populations are the same or does the data support the hypothesis that at least two of the population means are different. The F-test will not identify which means are statistically different but only specifies that at least two of the means are different. If the observed F-statistic is not significantly large then the analyst must conclude the population means are the same.
Variables (Xs) that are varied during the course of an experiment.
Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA
A structured brainstorming technique to identify and prioritize potential root causes and score those that cause a severe effect, happen frequently, and cannot be detected higher than other causes.
FIFO = First In, First Out Is een voorraadmanagementsysteem, waarbij als eerste de oudste voorraden worden verkocht. Dit om te verkomen datmen met oude voorraad blijft zitten, waarin de klant niet geïnteresseerd is. Het tegenovergestelde van FIFO is LIFO (zie LIFO). Beiden termen worden ook vaak bij personeelsmanagement gebruikt.
Fishbone (or Cause-and-Effect, or Ishika
It organizes brainstorming information about potential causes of a problem, and helps to see relationships among potential causes.
Fishbone diagram
See Cause and Effect diagram.
Five Whys
The Five Why's is a Japanese originated technique for identifying the root cause of issues. The key is to pursue a connected thread of why questions to get to a real understanding about why a problem has occurred.
See Process Map.
FMEA = Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is een methodiek waarbij bij ontwerpprocessen van producten of productiemethoden wordt nagegaan wat de kans is op falen en wat daarbij het optredende risico is. Hierop worden dan acties gedefinieerd om de faalkans terug te brengen. Er wordt op onderdeelniveau (of processtapniveau) gestart en omhoog gewerkt naar het complete product of proces.
FMEA - Failure Modes and Effects Analysi
This is an advanced analytical tool that is used to identify potential failures in a process, product or service. It is a disciplined approach to identifying problems and then analyzing the likely frequency of problems, their impact and proposed response measures. The FMEA tool can be used by project teams to document their analysis and conclusions, and to allocate responsibilities for monitoring and addressing problem areas.
Force Field Analysis
A visual analytical tool that is designed to show the positive and negative forces impacting a change within an organization. The positive or driving forces are represent as pushing against the negative or restraining forces.
Fout ook wel defect genoemd. Fout is een niet correcte actie, dit kan in software, een proces of een menselijk handelen zijn. De definitie van een fout volgens Lean Six Sigma is alles wat niet voldoet aan de verwachtingen van de klant. De klant geeft dus de maat aan wat goed of fout is en niet de eigen organisatie.
Fractional Factorial DoE
A DoE where a limited number of factor combinations are tested. Fractional Factorial DoEs lose some information but save time and cost.
Frequency Distribution
The pattern or shape formed by the group of measurements in a distribution.
Full Factorial DoE
A DoE where all possible combinations of the factors are tested. Full Factorial DoEs retain all possible information for evaluation.